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Pride Month: 6 ways to support LGBTQ+ Employees and Create an Inclusive Workplace

22nd June 2023

Tags: HR , MATs/Academies
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6 ways to support LGBTQ+ Employees and Create an Inclusive Workplace

Pride Month, celebrated annually in June, is a celebration designed to recognise the influence of the LGBTQ+. It serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity, equal rights, and the freedom to live without discrimination.

Whilst progress has been made towards creating inclusive work environments through legislation such as the Equality Act 2010, a recent report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) revealed that challenges persist. The report showed that over 40% of LGB individuals experience workplace conflicts, compared to 29% for their heterosexual colleagues. For transgender and non-binary employees, this percentage rises to 55%. These conflicts may often involve acts of undermining, humiliation, and discrimination, underscoring the need for organisations to address these issues.

Organisations have a legal responsibility to safeguard the health and well-being of their employees, including those from the LGBTQ+ community. To support and create an inclusive workplace, here are some key steps to consider...

1. Gather employee feedback:
To understand your organisation's current diversity and inclusivity status, it's crucial to listen to your employees. Conduct anonymous surveys or hold team meetings to provide an open forum for discussions.

2. Provide training and education:
Regular and mandatory equality and diversity training for all employees, including management, can increase awareness and understanding. This training should address inappropriate behavior, such as office banter or undermining actions, and empower employees to report such behavior to support their LGBTQ+ colleagues.

3. Take allegations seriously:
Organisations can be held liable for workplace situations, even if they were unaware of them, leading to significant compensation claims. Adopt a rigorous approach to investigate and address all accusations of misconduct promptly. Make it clear that acts of misconduct in this area will not be tolerated.

4. Foster an inclusive employee culture:
Develop a diversity and inclusion policy that is communicated and understood by all employees. Include a clear mission statement that demonstrates your organisation's support for LGBTQ+ employees and outline measurable outcomes to hold yourself accountable. This will help promote a sense of belonging among current employees and attract diverse candidates.

5. Implement inclusive recruitment and onboarding practices:
Ensure that LGBTQ+ inclusion is embedded in your recruitment and onboarding processes. Provide training for those involved in recruitment and selection to ensure they follow inclusive practices.

6. Showcase your commitment during Pride Month:
Use Pride Month as an opportunity to highlight your organisation's dedication to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Promote your actions and initiatives in this area, and consider utilising available resources and training programs to further support your efforts.


By following these steps, organisations can create an environment where LGBTQ+ employees feel valued, included, and respected. Embracing diversity and promoting equal rights not only benefits employees but also contributes to a more harmonious and productive workplace.

How °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳ can help:


Our comprehensive range of HR training is specifically tailored to the education sector and is designed to help colleagues enhance their education-specific HR skills and knowledge, stay up to date with the latest trends and regulations, and develop the skills needed to make positive changes within your school or trust. Our recent addition course is designed to give delegates an understanding of how to promote equality, tackle discrimination and foster positive relationships between diverse groups in the workplace.

HR Resources Hub:

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Tags: HR , MATs/Academies
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