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Making Sure Your School Keeps Students Safe in 2023 and Beyond

11th September 2023

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Making Sure Your School Keeps Students Safe in 2023 and Beyond

Join our upcoming online event that will help schools figure out what "good safeguarding" means in 2023 and into the future.

The Webinar - Is your school’s safeguarding effective enough in 2023?

On September 20, 2023, at noon, there will be a free online seminar - . It's all about understanding how schools can strengthen their processes for keeping students safe. If you're a headteacher, school governor, school leader, or someone in charge of student safety at your school (designated safeguarding lead), this event is for you. Chaired by °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳’s Head of Governance Services – Steve Barker along with Senior HR Consultant Kirstie Young, the webinar will cover important school safety responsibilities.

The webinar plans to cover all the important things schools need to do to keep students safe. It will also suggest some easy checks you can do to make sure your school is doing things right. Here are some key points:

  • Safeguarding Duties - This means knowing what your school is supposed to do legally and morally to protect students. The webinar will help you understand and meet these duties properly.
  • Record Keeping - Keeping good records is important. It helps everyone see what's going on and make sure things are done the right way. The webinar will show you how to keep the right records.
  • Staff Training - When new staff members join your school, it's crucial to make sure they understand how to keep students safe. The webinar will give you tips on how to do this well.
  • Safer Recruitment - Hiring the right people is a big part of keeping students safe. The webinar will talk about the latest ways to hire people safely.


The Role of Training and Leadership

The webinar won't just cover the basics. It will also talk about what kind of training is useful for school safety and what leaders should do to support their staff in 2023 and beyond. Keeping everyone up to date with the latest training and making sure school leaders know how to lead in safety matters is really important.

Who Will Find This Helpful?

This webinar is meant for a lot of different people in education, including:

  • Headteachers - If you're in charge of a school, this will help you understand how to keep it safe.
  • School Leaders - People in leadership roles at school will learn how to support their teams and keep students safe.
  • School Governors - Those who oversee the school's operation will understand their part in keeping students safe.
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads -  People responsible for safety in the school will get a lot of useful guidance from this webinar.

Schools need to keep looking for ways to keep students safe. This webinar is a great opportunity to learn from experts and get practical advice. By joining this event, you can make sure your school's policies and actions are not just good enough but also ready for the future. Don't miss out on this chance to make your school a safer place for everyone in 2023 and beyond. and take a step toward a safer school environment.

Want to discuss your safeguarding needs with our experts? Call us on 0330 123 2549 or email enquire@strictlyeducation.co.uk we are happy to answer your questions.

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