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Meet the Experts | Susan Hamilton | Finance Services

15th July 2024

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Meet the Expert | Susan Hamilton | Finance Services

Susan is Deputy Head of Finance Services at °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳. She has vast experience in the fields of strategic and operational financial management, project management and business development, gained from a wide variety of roles in education and across the financial, commercial and charity sectors.

Each of Susan’s roles has contributed to a strong understanding of the value of high quality scrutiny and strategic planning in driving positive change. From setting up and heading a project management department at BskyB to support the launch of digital platforms, to leading strategic consultancy providing support to charities and  Not For Profit (NFP) organisations, Susan’s wide range of experience gives her unique insights into who is impacted by financial decisions, and how improvements can be made.

Focusing on the education sector, Susan spent 5 years as Executive Finance Director of a MAT, including supporting them through a recent financial restructure and merger. As a volunteer, she continues to extend her experience and understanding by working with school academies and trusts, including acting as current Chair of a MAT Board of Trustees, and previously as Chair of Governors at a maintained infant school.


Quickfire Questions with Susan Hamilton

How did you end up working in the education sector?

I came to education after originally moving from Scotland to England to work within the charity sector, something that lasted 16 years. Initially working as part of SLT within a social enterprise, I provided strategic consultancy and ‘Virtual Finance Director’ support to charities who were looking for efficiencies and cost savings through reducing their admin burden. That led to me working for a leading social investment business in London, supporting charities and social enterprises who were receiving grant and loan funding, working alongside SLT and Boards to help with business planning and to upskill in financial management.

As I then had a young child, and having always volunteered in one way or another, I looked into volunteering as a trustee at a local MAT but ended up spending 5 years as their CFO! Despite leaving to develop my career, I was asked back to support with a merger with another Trust, so got to enjoy working with them in a completely different way.

Why did you choose the education sector? 

I love having a positive impact on people’s lives. I have always been interested in roles where I can make a difference, and education is similar to my NFP experience in that respect. In schools, by auditing workload and capacity and improving financial resources to drive positive change, I help to unburden both the teaching staff and leadership - which ultimately makes a difference to pupils, too. Even after joining the MAT, I was keen to find a voluntary role in education, which is why I am still involved as a school governor and trustee.

I have found that the challenges and issues faced by schools are the same as those faced in the commercial and charity sectors, and that my skills are ideal for the education sector.

Susan Hamilton °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳


Describe your role in a nutshell

My client-facing role is to provide robust strategic planning and financial management support for schools and academy trusts, for example undertaking due diligence and managing the onboarding of new schools. This can often include acting as a stand-in CFO if a school faces a difficult period – whatever it takes to support clients in the education sector.

I lead a fantastic team which provides flexible financial management support to schools and MATs. As leader, I drive and support the consultancy team, ensuring that they are working efficiently and always developing their skills to deliver the best result for our clients.

We have expertise at every level, and work alongside school leaders to keep their financial operations compliant and efficient. Financial management is only robust when the whole system works properly – we provide consultancy support to identify any gaps and deliver comprehensive financial excellence.

What does a typical week look like?

There is really no typical week! I may spend one day with CEO/CFOs of MATs discussing their financial situation or performance and helping them with planning. Then I could be talking to other clients about new ways in which we can help them, for example by providing internal scrutiny to identify any issues or gaps in their finances.

I have experience in capital development under the DfE rebuilding programme, so I support clients who need guidance in that area. I also provide practical help, such as preparing financial information packs for a Board and assisting with policy and compliance, because my wide experience with leadership teams in different situations means I am quick to identify key data and insights.

What do you love about your role?

The positive impact on clients! Great days for me are when a Headteacher or Chief Exec says how well-supported they feel, how much I have helped them through challenges and given them confidence. Knowing that I have helped senior leaders understand what is going on and how to alleviate pressure is a huge boost.

What project are you most proud of?

In education, I am really proud of the successful merger of two Trusts in which I was recently involved. They asked me to come back as project leader to support the merger process, so I led the due diligence, presented to the Board, and supported the changes at the Trust. It was a great success, the new Trust is born, and they are now a combined Trust of 14 schools, including one of the largest in England.

Outside education, I am still chuffed with my role at Sky, where the work of my team was key in delivering changes such as analogue to digital TV, paving the way for a vast new landscape for Sky customers.

What does success look like in a day’s work for you?

For me, success is about making a difference every day. Whether it’s delving deep into figures, or presenting opportunities for change to a leadership team, I am proud to see my work having a clear, positive impact on schools, their learners and the wider communities they support.

What is the most interesting thing you have learnt at Strictly?

I am fascinated by the huge crossover between my work in the Third Sector and in education. I would never have guessed that the challenges would have been so similar, but it has given me a huge opportunity to share my skills in a wider context.

How do you envision the role of your support services consultancy evolving to meet the changing needs of schools/academy trusts in the next five years?

Our work is likely to become ever more important, as the number and size of MATs grows to accommodate more schools. MATs will always need to look for ways to increase their impact and outcomes for both learners and their communities, so will continue to seek the extra financial expertise, audit skills and advice offered by Strictly.

Fun question – What is your favourite school memory?

I vividly remember a school trip to Paris for Bastille Day. I was 14 and watched the parade in full face paint with my friends. Most of all, hearing a lone saxophone up the Montparnasse Tower was the most thrilling experience – I fell in love with the sax that day!

Give us a quick introduction to the rest of your team

My team includes more than a dozen financial specialists with a mix of expertise, so there’s always someone right for a client’s needs. Some are qualified chartered accountants, some AAT trained. Some qualified through their experience, for example as a school business manager and with school business leadership qualifications. We have people who have worked in both maintained and Trust schools, so a rich diversity of experience is available to our Strictly clients. We look forward to helping you!

If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss your education finance needs with Susan and her team, call °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳ on 0330 123 2549 or email enquire@strictlyeducation.co.uk

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