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National School Governors’ Awareness Day 28th February 2023

15th February 2023

Tags: Premises

National School Governors’ Awareness Day 28th February 2023

Recognising the support governors provide our schools

National School Governors’ Awareness Day - founded by °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳ - celebrates the commitment and contribution of more than 300,000 volunteer governors in our schools. February 28th is an opportunity to spotlight the role of governance in our schools, recruiting and inducting new governors and to engage in valuable professional development on this year’s key theme of the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on our schools.

Free to access programme of events

In collaboration with our key partner Governors for Schools, school governors are encouraged to register for a full day’s programme of online events.

  • ·Hot Topics – Better Governor (°ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳)

  • Recruiting Governors - Governors for Schools

  • Cost of Living Anxiety - Thrive Approach

  • The Impact of Poverty - Child Poverty Action Group

  • ·The Governance of Disadvantage - National Governance Association

  • Introduction to Governance – Governors for Schools

  • Cost of Living and the Impact on Social Mobility – Prf. Lee Elliot Major. University of Exeter

  • Question Time – with our panel of governance experts

Say Thank You

We are encouraging CEOs, Headteachers, Chairs and anyone else who would like to say Thank You to school governors on National School Governors’ Awareness Day, and you can do so by sending a FREE eCard from the website.


School governors are invited to send a short video to National School Governors’ Awareness Day, with hints, tips and their thoughts on the importance of school governance. Clips can be .

What do people know about school governance?

1,000 members of the public and nearly 300 school governors were surveyed this year to discover how much was understood about school governance, and a temperature check of the financial environment in schools from a governance perspective. Sign up to National School Governors’ Awareness Day to receive reports on the findings of these two surveys.

To find out more about what’s taking place on National School Governors’ Awareness Day visit the National School Governors’ Awareness Day website.