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Performance Management & Best Practice in Education

16th March 2023

Tags: HR

Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of employees and is a crucial aspect of management within schools and academies. In this blog, we will explore the significance of performance management in education and how it can be implemented effectively.

Performance management is essential in education as it helps teachers and staff meet the standards expected within your establishment. The process generally involves setting objectives, providing feedback, and evaluating progress on a regular basis, providing a clear framework goal setting and objectives that align with your school’s overall mission and vision. It helps teachers and staff to identify their own strengths and areas for development, enabling them to improve their productivity and outcomes.

Best practice for performance management within schools and trusts involve a comprehensive and continuous process that supports the growth and development of staff whilst ensuring they are meeting their goals and standards.

Performance Management for specific groups of staff


The Education (School Teachers’ Appraisal) (England) Regulations (2012) apply to teachers in maintained schools and PRUs only although many academies reflect the regulations in their own policies and practices. Revised also came into force in 2012 and an assessment against these standards now forms an integral part of the appraisal process for teachers.

There is no single recommended appraisal model for sixth form colleges to adopt in respect of teachers and therefore a range of schemes are in operation. The Red Book (Appendix 8) contains joint advice on what should be covered in each college's appraisal policy as well as guidance on good practice.

Support Staff:

There are no regulations specifically governing the appraisal of support staff but there is nevertheless enormous value in ensuring that an appraisal system is in place for all staff in education settings. It can also be helpful to draw on relevant occupational standards and competency frameworks e.g. for School Business Managers as part of support staff performance management.

What is the best practice for managing performance? Here’s some examples…

  • Set clear and achievable goals
    • Define specific goals and expectations
    • Align goals with your school or trusts vision and values
    • Support overall school development plan objectives
  • Appraisals
    • Opportunity to evaluate performance
    • Provide individuals with feedback on performance
    • Allow individuals the opportunity to showcase achievements
  • Feedback and coaching
    • Allows individuals to understand how to improve
    • Ensure coaching is available if they are unsure
    • Feedback should be given as an ongoing process
  • Regular reviews
    • Evaluate effectiveness
    • Make adjustments if necessary
  • Performance improvement plans
    • Provision of additional support
    • Developing strategies to address specific areas
  • Professional development
    • Enable individuals to keep skills up to date and gain new skills and knowledge
    • This should be a continuous process
In summary, performance management is vital to ensure staff meet standards set out by your school or trust, whilst empowering your staff to identify their own strengths and areas of improvement. Effective implementation requires a structured approach that includes goal setting, appraisal, feedback/coaching, and reviews. Aligning goals with your vision, values and school development plan, providing feedback and coaching, focussing on CPD, and developing performance improvement plans will streamline the process and improve the quality of education provided to students, leading to better pupil outcomes.

How °ÄÃÅÐÄË®ÂÛ̳ can help…
HR customers can access detailed guidance, a range of useful templates and tools plus frequently asked questions on this topic via our Education HR website.

If you don’t already have access to the Education HR website you can for a free 7-day trial of our HR resources which includes 1000+ sector-specific pages of web content and downloadable resources aimed predominantly at schools, academy trusts, and sixth form colleges based in England.

Contact us today on 0330 123 2549 or at enquire@strictlyeducation.co.uk to find out how the team at Strictly can help your school or MAT. We are happy to answer your questions.
Tags: HR